3 Day Advanced
Playing Lesson Camps
JUNE & JULY 2022
Sign up today for your 3 Day Playing Lesson Camp! Participants must be able to break 100 or have a handicap of 25 or less. Players will be taught good decision making skills , competitions against their peers, learn how to keep stats, make practice sessions count and while having a blast.
Our 2 Day Advanced Playing Lesson Camps are designed to help Jr's reach their full potential and shoot lower scores.
No product
​Ages 10-17
2 Day/8 hours per day
8:00-4pm both days
4:1 student to instructor ratio
18 holes each day
2 Day Playing Lesson Camps
Each camp includes:
2 Day/8 hours per day
SGA Gift Bag
Beat the Pros Challenges
Stat Tracking
Rules & Etiquette
Green Reading
Process of a good decision
Shot Making
Bunker Play
Playing to strengths
3 Day Advanced Playing Lesson Camp SCHEDULES
JUNE & JULY 3 Day Camps
(Camp selection during checkout)
*Dropoff between 8am-4pm each day
Camp #1: June 8th & 9th
Camp #2: June 14th & 15th
Camp #3: June 21st & 22nd
Camp #4: July 12th & 13th
Camp #5: July 20th & 21st
Camp #6: July 26th & 27th​
2 Day Advanced Daily Schedule:
DAY 1 -
8:00 - 8:30pm - Pre-Round Warmup
8:30am - 1:30pm - 18 holes - Playing Lessons
1:30 - 2:00pm - Review of Play, Stats, & Decision Making
2:00-4:00pm - Skills Contests, How to Practice
DAY 2 - ​
8:00 - 8:30pm - Pre-Round Warmup
8:30am - 1:30pm - 18 holes - Playing Lessons
1:30 - 2:00pm - Review of Play, Stats, & Decision Making
2:00-4:00pm - Skills Contests, How to Practice, Wrap Up